We love to share our construction cartoons....but not necessarily our bandwidth.
So, if you would like to post our Blueprint Bluepers cartoons to your website, forum or blog please link to our Photobucket album. Currently, we have 10 full-color original construction cartoons in this album.
Including our first, The Circulating Pimp.
All we ask is that you please include the entire cartoon with attributions/credits. And please do not sell them or alter them in any way.
Of course you are also welcome to print them out, we offer large printable versions from our website Blueprint Bluepers, see the cartoon section.
If you would like to learn more about our featured artist, Chaise Payan, click here.
If you have construction related cartoons or humorous stories that you would like to share, see our contribution guidelines.
Friday, August 8, 2008
How to Use our Construction Cartoons
New JFK Terminal: JetBlue puts on the ritz
Forget sitting at Starbucks for four hours waiting for your flight...avoid the jitters...and indulge in some fine dining instead.
The new T5 terminal at JFK is expected to be ready for weary, hungry travelers this fall and will include many high-end restaurants that will offer everything from sushi to Italian to an americanesque steak house.
We performed a construction document coordination review on the drawings for this terminal before ground breaking and are happy to hear that T5 is under budget and ahead of schedule....we hope we had something to do with that.
Please stay tuned for more information about this new terminal in our next newsletter.
How much experience does the Nigro Firm, Inc have reviewing airport terminal drawings?
Plenty. If you have a project like this coming up, give us a call, we would like to see your project be under budget and ahead of schedule too.