Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How to pronouce our company name, the Nigro Firm, Inc.

If we had a dime for every time someone saw the word "Nigro" and paused in confusion, we would be billionaires. People are nervous about how to say our name without sounding "politically incorrect." And granted, our name can be confusing. So, we decided to give you a little help.

Nigro is a southern Italian name meaning "black." Most Nigros immigrated to the US in the late 1880's, like many immigrant populations. And here is how you pronounce it:

First Syllable: Ni, is pronounced with an "i" sound like in the word "high" or "pie."
Second Syllable: gro, is pronounced exactly like "grow."

Put it all together and it is like "nigh-grow."

So, next time you see our company name or you meet us, you can skip the dramatic pause and just belt out a salutation - "Hello Nigro's, nice to meet you!"

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