Monday, January 18, 2010

An Interesting Time

It's an interesting time... much is up in the air. And that's very disconcerting for the future to be so uncertain. But all will be well if we remember the fundamentals:

* People and relationships are the most important thing!
* Stay true to your principles and values.
* Be financially responsible... don't spend more than you are bringing in. In fact, save some and spend less than you are bringing in.
* Remember to see the positive in everything! Laugh and smile!
* Take care of yourself... take the time to exercise, de-stress ("go fishin"), eat right, and sleep.
* Be sure you can maintain and take care of what you have before you try to get "more".
* Enough is "enough"!
* If you don't like something, change it.

If you keep the above in mind, the uncertainty of the future and inability to solidly plan won't be so painful.

Take care all!



Honey said...

You guys have the best perspective.

Honey said...

You ladies have the perfect perspective.