Build Green and Save Your Greenbacks. Let us help you build more green.
We can help you build more efficiently, with less resource use, fewer phone calls to the architect, less pesky RFI forms to fill out and surprisingly few change orders.
It is fantastic that the construction industry is considering the environment more… they are often going “green.”
There are many environmentally responsible builders out there, and you may be one of them, but are you doing all that you can do?
Perhaps you are doing everything you need to do to become LEED certified, such as maximizing your open space, using recycled materials, utilizing an innovative design, creating water efficient landscaping, using low emitting materials and more. So what else can you do?
You can use the Nigro Firm to help you obtain clean and accurate construction documents, so your building goes up fast, with minimal waste and with minimal energy expenditure.
How can the Nigro Firm do this? With a construction document coordination review, that:
- Dramatically reduces the number of RFIs
- Significantly lowers the number of change orders
- Creates the opportunity for tighter bids
- Preventing material waste by work being done right the first time, less rework
- Reducing potential crew downtime and travel
- Reducing energy expenditure for overhead (such as electricity, heat, etc.) while spending time to resolve issues
- Eliminating the waste of huge quantities of paper for redesign, as well as processing paperwork
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